Just Thinking

When I woke up this morning, I honestly thought today was the thirtieth, not the thirty-first. So this is it. I made it. I knew the challenge would be demanding and it was. And just like last year, participating in the SOL experience changed who I am as a teacher, learner, and writer. I was stunned to see all the new slicers this year. Throughout this challenge, one thought kept flitting around my brain. I wish there was a way for slicers to meet up. I would love to be able to connect with other slicers in person. I had this crazy thought that there could be a slicer’s conference or retreat. Just thinking. 


  1. Slicer's Conference. You would have to sign up to do a workshop about the online tools that have become part of your life. Keep thinking. Small ideas grow.

  2. LOVE this idea. A slicer's conference. Hmmmmm.

    Sorry I didn't get here much this year. THere were so many new slicers, I just got lost in the blog world. Can't wait to read you on Tuesday


    1. Hi Deb! Don't ever be sorry. I got TOTALLY lost!

  3. A retreat, that would be fun! It will be interesting to see who joins up on Tuesdays. Hope you are doing well.

  4. Slicers conference!!! Wonderful idea! Would you share all of your wonderful digital ideas with the rest of us??
    Thank you so much for your comments this month!

  5. writing retreat - loving that idea. ;)
    Congratulations on 31 days of slicing!

  6. Slicer conf...super great idea! We could all just chat and eat and write!!!

  7. Retreat, conference... great ideas... Let's keep thinking and sharing...

  8. OMG, the same idea has entered my head several times this month (and actually before this month). When I met Ruth in person in February, all I could think was, "I wish I could meet everyone else too!" Of course there'd never be a way to find a date or place that would work for everyone, but it would be so neat to try to get people together. Maybe even several "regional meetups" for people who are in nearby states? I think we should make it happen! :-)

  9. I'm in for the writing retreat! I've thought the same thing I want to meet everyone. Is anyone going to IRA in Chicago??? We could have some kind of reunion???

  10. Diana, I like the way you think! I was amazed by how comfortable it felt to meet the slicers who made it to NCTE this fall. It is the most natural thing to hang with people you already know so well!

  11. Wouldn't THAT be fun? Love the idea and you just never know . . . stranger things have happened! See you on Tuesday Diana!

  12. A slicers conference...I'm in! Such a joy to slice with you, Diana...see you on Tuesdays!

  13. Slicers conference! I'm in! It's been a joy to slice with you, Diana! See you on Tuesdays.


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