Liking My Lino It

I posted a few days ago about wanting a quick and easy way to track the posts I've read that give me ideas for my own posts. I decided to use Lino It and I am really liking it. I uploaded my own background because I thought that would be cool and then I color coded my stickies according to where I get my ideas. Green is for ideas from blog posts, purple is for school ideas, blue are ideas that come from my own writing, and pink are moments or memories from my own life. I could peel off and remove the stickies as I use them to write but for now, I'm just dragging the stickies from the sky into the grass of my background. I am totally a sucker for color. Check out my idea canvas below. And Linda from Teacher Dance and Jennifer from i hablo espanglish have both motivated me to try out Evernote.  How are you keeping track of your ideas during the SOL challenge?

SOL Ideas


  1. Hmmm. I use my Stickies on my computer and diigo. I have evernote on everything a don't use it. So many tools, it's overwhelming, but I love the idea of keeping the source of ideas recorded. I have to think more about this one Diana.

  2. I think for me right now, I'm keeping track of ideas on my laptop. I have a slice of life microsoft office word file on my desktop. I've been writing slice ideas on there! I wanted to resurrect my writer's notebook from my shelf, but it's much easier for me to type! I'm on my computer way too much. I love how you are keeping your ideas color-coded on post-it notes via lino.
    jee young

  3. Huh, that is interesting!

    I have an open Word document that keeps all my ideas. When I'm not near my computer I email myself ideas from my phone. (techie geek, right?)

    I also have a note program I can use on my phone and sync... but if it's just a single line idea I tend to just email it.

  4. And then there's me, I grab a pen and paper and jot down the idea, plus words and phrases to spark the thinking. Does this make me old?

  5. Right now I don't have a systematic way to capture what inspires me about others' posts. I love this system that you have figured out because the links are right there to go back and revisit in a way that would not necessarily be captured if I was jotting notes in my writer's notebook.

    On another note, I am reading Opening Minds by Peter H. Johnston, and this section made me think of you because of your OLW, "This set of interactions might not mean much by itself, but the threads it contains, repeated over and over in different forms, moment to moment, day to day, week to week, month to month, start to amount to something. Their power is strengthened ads they echo and reverberate in the children's talk [...]," (p. 4).

    1. Thanks for the quote from Peter Johnston. I love him. I have to get his new book. :)

  6. I haven't heard of Lino-it...I'm going to have to try it. But I'm like Elsie...using my writer's notebook -- old school tracking! ;)

  7. My faithful journal helps me out. I keep seeing your enthusiasm for trying out new tech solutions and I keep getting closer to trying something myself. It made me smile to find that my writing could give you ideas. Thank you. This is one of the beauties of this writing community that inspiration is unlimited.

  8. Love the color-coding! (I'm totally a "sucker for color" too!) I also like how you dragged the used ideas into the "grass" instead of just deleting them altogether! You might find that someday you want to elaborate on that idea, or it could spark a new one... (Ok, so I also hate getting rid of things. But you never know when you might need them again!) P.S. Ooh boy, you mentioned me! (I want to hop in my chair like a little girl when that happens!)

  9. Wow! There's so much out there that I've never heard of! I'm keeping my idea list the old fashioned way, in my journal. I want to check out the sites your mentioned. I just can't seem to find the time! Ugh!

  10. Diane, I love your coloring coding. I want to learn how to do this sticky note tech thing; you've inspired me. I actually carry a notebook around in my purse for the "just in case an idea hits me" moment. I have a special notebook for Slice of Life.

  11. Love reading all of these great ideas! Seems like I found a kindred spirit in the stickies adornment of my desktop! I don't know about you, but since I started writing everyday, I have found that I see the world as a place to be discovered through writing.

  12. wow, this is so cool! I will have to check it out. Thanks for showing yours as an example.

  13. I haven't heard of Lino-it either, but recently started using Pearltree. I don't know if it would work for this, but I did start using Pinterest like another slicer had mentioned. I just haven't kept up with it. So many Tech options!

    1. I've been using Pinterest to collect pics I think would be cool to use with my students too. I plan on checking out Pearltree.

  14. Pinterest might also be a way. I will investigate Lino-it.


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