Keep on Writing

Big sigh. Participating in the TWT Slice of Life Challenge and NaNoWriMo showed me how to stick with it. These experiences taught me that sometimes writing feels hard. I realize this is a normal feeling but I'm still annoyed with myself. I have been writing so much in my head for days and days but unable to commit anything to paper. So today, I'm allowing myself to rip the Band-Aid off, lower my standards, and just get something down. I have been feeling a little paralyzed in general lately. To avoid actually writing anything, I managed to organize all of my professional books into one bookcase. One shelf for coaching and PD, one for reading, one for writing, and one for word study. And I created a new blog, One Speech Therapist, and I've spent far too much time Pinterest cruising. I have several writing projects staring at me. For example, I wanted to create some kind of eBook or photo book for my lit coach buddies using stories we wrote on napkins when we were together presenting in Corpus Christi several years ago. I got started then I got stuck and the half finished project is sitting on my office chair nestled between two other unfinished projects. I'm thinking I need to impose a deadline on myself. Or maybe I need to get myself going by finishing something smaller, like this post.


  1. Oh, I hear you! I finally just posted "something" on my blog. I have been just procrastinating or working on other of life's things so much lately, that the writing hasn't been flowing. Hope you get your spark again after this _____ post...I have a word I want there and can't think of "appropriate", "timely", not that. The words are just flowing! Maybe I'll think of it after I hit publish.

  2. Pulling the band aid off...great analogy. It hurts, doesn't it? And even though we know (knowknowknow) the writing will flow again, sometimes it's hard to withstand the ebb.
    Glad you wrote,

    1. I'm glad I wrote too. It really does help just to get something down and get started. :)

  3. ...and so you did...check that writing assignment off! Those writing in the head episodes used to frustrate me, but I've come to see that it's important gestational time, really. The ideas flit about and percolate and free associate...and then one day, like today, you are able to just sit down and write. So, good for you, Diana!

  4. ...and so you did...check that writing assignment off! Those writing in the head episodes used to frustrate me, but I've come to see that it's important gestational time, really. The ideas flit about and percolate and free associate...and then one day, like today, you are able to just sit down and write. So, good for you, Diana!

  5. Tara, my old high school Principal used to talk about 'stickability.' The term has stayed with me all these years. Your inner turmoil is actually quite normal. Most of our writing takes place in our heads. We need to roll ideas around until they're ready to pop out and spill across the page. Loved the honesty in your piece. Hang tough...

  6. Your writing today could seriously have been about me. Reading what others wrote today and commenting a bit is the closest to writing I've gotten to in a while....

    Thanks for helping me see that this feeling isn't mine alone.

  7. Diana,
    I am glad you the thinking in the head, ideas are flowing jus not on paper yet. I think this is good to share with students you can identify that writing may be hard to face at times but you can work through it!

  8. It's hard to write in the summertime. I had a really rough day today. Customer service issues, medical procedure, and then found out that someone got one of my passwords. Very frustrating. I wasn't sure I'd make it to write, but here I am, laying on the couch with an icepack on my neck, writing. (First I wrote my slice and now I'm reading others.)

    I admire what you said about setting a deadline. That's what I do, so often, when I really want/need to get something done.

  9. Hi Diana, are you going to share your new blog, too? I hope so, because you've given me much to think about these years & I'll look forward to it. Glad to see your writing & that 'napkin' story sound interesting. Best wishes!

  10. SOUNDS to me like someone else has "bitten" off "lots to do" during this summer vacation season. I have SO many projects started and SO many papers still to grade....I guess I had better get to work too!

  11. I've been going around and around like this too - wondering why I feel like all the thoughts I have in my head aren't worth writing down. Thanks for "exposing" yourself.

  12. This summer: actual writing - minimal; thinking of writing - also minimal. I kind of enjoy the emptiness, hoping it gives me energy for the rest of the year - to get started, to finish something, to meet the deadlines. I hope that you will have an energy and inspiration boost to live and love the change and writing.


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