Reflection Friday

I used to think I looked pretty good in teal blue but evidently that is up for debate. I had three people yesterday ask me if I was feeling well. Was it my face, my eyes, or the way I was standing? Did I remember to put make-up on that morning? I thought I did. I'm long overdue for a dye job, that is for sure. I have gray threads popping up all over my part. I tried to get my teenage son to pluck some out the other day and after removing six silver springs, he handed me the tweezers and told me there were too many and he didn't have all day. I've tried to yank them myself but I couldn't see them to get a hold of them. It is time to look in the mirror, step back on the scale, and take a walk on the treadmill. Some new glasses wouldn't hurt either. Why is it so hard to make time to take care of myself?


  1. I smiled reading your slice today and for that thanks...but if you're feeling it it's time to take care of yourself! Put something anything aside and put yourself's how how try to live my life.

  2. Consider those grays translucent threads to your soul. I've done that for a few years, but now me thinks my soul shouldn't be so translucent. Do what makes you feel better.

  3. I can just see your teenage son trying to pull out your gray hairs and then in his frustration saying he did not have all day. They sure have a way to send a message. You say you feel you need to step back, take time to take care of yourself. That was the message I need to take some time for you. Maybe the new you will have more gray hairs....different glasses...a few more pounds...but as long as you are need to look at the new you and see the gift you are.

  4. It's hard because we are busy making time for everyone but ourselves. I hope you have time this weekend for you!

  5. This is a great, very honest, slice! I love that you stopped to wonder if you put on make-up or not! lol. I also love the idea of your son - also very honest - telling you he doesn't have all day! So funny. Thanks for the smile today.

  6. Isn't that so true. Time for ourselves is a fleeting moment at best it seems.

  7. Boy, do you sound... NORMAL. :) I keep thinking that I will make time for it... I need to be impeccable with my word TO MYSELF. This weekend--I'm doing it. How about you?

  8. So funny! You made me smile! And you reminded me that I could probably see better if I could just find the time to get those new glasses.

  9. You've managed to turn a worry into an entertaining and light post! You're not alone -- several teachers have pointed out lately that I look tired. (I am worn out, but is it really that bad?) Luckily for me, Spring Break just started! I hope you find your own time to make yourself feel better soon!

  10. I love that you were able to write about this in a light way and that you recognize the need to make time for yourself. I chuckled imagining your son stopping and telling you that he doesn't have all day.

  11. Your blog was very entertaining and funny. One of my laugh out loud moments.

  12. Such a human question. Such a human slice.


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